Thank you for considering to make a donation to our efforts in marine conservation. We have several ongoing projects that rely on donations to acheive our goals. Please see below a summary of these projects.
With support from the World Wildlife Fund ECOMAR embarked on revitalizing the Belize Coral Watch Program in 2022. During the process the program refocused its concentration to highlight the need to engage citizen scientists to partipcate in additional ways, other than monitoring coral bleaching.
The Belize Barrier Reef Watch Program has become the umbrella for our other initiatives, including the Belize Coral Watch, Turtle Watch and Lionfish Programs. We are accepting inkind and cash donations for the Reef Champion monthly competition and printing of education flyers for distribution to the general public.
We are very grateful to Daniel & Michelle for their generous donation of US$500 that will be used to print the Best Practices for Sea Turtle Friendly Beaches poster that was devloped in close collaboration with the Belize Fisheries Department. Need copies for your community? Please contact us and we can send them to you!
Thank you for your interest in making a donation to support our work in conserving the Belize Barrier Reef and associated marine life. We coordinate outreach programs with little resources and rely on grants, student research groups and private donations to support project activities.
Donations can be made by check, credit card, or direct deposit into our account in Belize. Please send check payment to us in Belize at ECOMAR, PO Box 1234, Belize City, Belize, or email for more details on wire transfers. We can also accept donation through Pay Pal using the QR code. |
ECOMAR can accept tax-deductable donations through our partner in sea turtle conservation in the Wider Caribbean, WIDECAST, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Please visit WIDECAST Donate web page to make a tax deductible donation. Please be sure to insert ECOMAR Belize under the section that says "Project or country you wish to support" and also email a copy of the transaction. You can also visit Pay Pal and make a donation now.
Check payment can also be accepted. Please make check out to WIDECAST and mail to WIDECAST, 6116 High Meadow Drive, Godfrey, Illinois 62035 USA. Indicate on your check the payment is for ECOMAR Belize, and please email us a copy of the payment prior to mailing. |
Mailing Address: PO Box 1234, Belize City, Belize Cel: + (501) 673-3022 Caye: + (501) 614-3483 Email: [email protected] |