Our Nesting Beach Observation Program encourages interested resorts and private property owners residing along the coast to Adopt A Beach and to submit reports of ANY sea turtles observed whether they be swim offshore, nesting, hatchling and also stranded sea turtles.
Data recorded by those coastal resorts and property owner volunteers participating in the Turtle Watch Program’s Nesting Beach Surveys will include the following:
Coastal residents and property owners that Adopt A Beach will work closely with a member of the Belize Sea Turtle Conservation Network and will notify them when the nest hatches so biologists can examine the nest for hatching success. Sign up and requests a Nesting Beach Observations Kit and learn all about sea turtles! |
Impacts of Climate Change
Coastal property owners living along the coast in Belize are key to understanding how climate change is impacting nesting sea turtles. Coastal property owners notice change in the shoreline due to erosion, and remember years when turtles nested a lot vs years when turtle did not nest. This is crucial information that we need to determine if climate change is impacting sea turtles in Belize.
Coastal property owners living along the coast in Belize are key to understanding how climate change is impacting nesting sea turtles. Coastal property owners notice change in the shoreline due to erosion, and remember years when turtles nested a lot vs years when turtle did not nest. This is crucial information that we need to determine if climate change is impacting sea turtles in Belize.